win win fixture

Acceptance standards and processes for checking fixture

checking fixture

Acceptance standards and processes for checking fixture

checking fixture
checking fixture

First, the acceptance time and inspection and third-party inspection of the basic conditions: edit this paragraph Acceptance time is generally three days or agreed upon by both parties, if the inspection tool problems or can not determine whether the qualified third-party certification.

The so-called “third party” should have the relevant national qualifications of the measurement / geometry of the identification and testing organs, the best is the local quality supervision bureau under the measurement and testing institute or metrology station / testing tools should be sent than the accuracy of the inspection tool two or the corresponding accuracy level / testing environment should be in line with national or Industry and international standards for the testing environment, specific third-party testing time should be subject to its third-party testing personnel arrangements, must comply with scientific norms, the use of effective and most accurate third-party testing tools.

After the third-party verification should be provided by the party verification agency to standardize the verification text report and stamped with the agency’s official seal of approval. Second, the acceptance, the content of the test: edit this paragraph A. Non-standardchecking fixture and gauges acceptance

1. Check the function of the gauge, check whether the gauge is designed and manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the gauge (formal design and manufacture of the gauge company, in determining the program, after reaching an agreement will provide the design drawings of the gauge) that is, whether the design drawings are consistent with the previous

2. Whether the inspection tool has reached the relevant requirements in terms of materials, that is, whether it can be used normally in the working environment. (Some gauges are very special materials, such as the need for anti-magnetic, etc.) In terms of dimensional accuracy, you can ask the supplier to provide the relevant documents and supporting materials of the factory self-inspection, they have the relevant testing instruments, then the relevant testing; if you can not trust the supplier’s self-inspection certificate, and they do not have testing instruments, you can find a third-party testing organization to test.

Third-party testing and testing conditions have been described clearly in the first major article.

B. standard gauges and gauges acceptance methods: 1. test whether the company or factory with a license to manufacture gauges, that is, whether the manufacturer has the relevant qualifications, generally speaking, well-known standard gauges manufacturers have the national quality supervision department of the competent measurement department approach to the license, the production of such as: the national standard provisions of the vernier calipers such as gauges do not require third-party verification.

Non-standard gauges, gauges are not within the national mandatory provisions, there should be the supplier and the purchaser to negotiate the acceptance conditions and acceptance time, etc., but should refer to the national design specifications for such products and other technical requirements as acceptance conditions.

2. whether there is a certificate of conformity presented by the manufacturer.

3. whether the appearance, materials, etc. are consistent with the manufacturer’s instructions; 4. whether there is obvious damage caused by packaging and transportation, etc.

5. Not confident can also go to the official website of the manufacturer to check whether the product serial number is accurate to confirm

6. Then you can also be assured that the national standard gauges or gauges will be sent to a third party to verify whether they meet the technical parameters of the national standards.