win win fixture

Application Of Automotive Checking Fixture Repair Method

automotive checking fixture

Application of automotive checking fixture repair method

Automobile Car Central Control Checking Fixture
Automobile Car Central Control Checking Fixture

For the repair method of parts can be indicated on the drawing: assembly finishing or assembly with XX fit words, etc.

Repair assembly method refers to the assembly of the parts to repair the reserved repair amount, so that the assembly accuracy requirements of the assembly method, the method can obtain a very high assembly accuracy, the manufacturing accuracy of the parts can be relaxed, the disadvantage is to increase the repair workload, poor calculation of man-hours, and assembly quality needs to rely on the technical level of workers, the relative production efficiency is relatively low, the method is widely used in the assembly of a single piece or small checking fixture. Commonly used repair methods are the following two.

(1) designated parts repair method, refers to the composition of the assembly dimensional chain of the ring, pre-designated a part as a repair part, and set aside a certain amount of machining allowance, assembly and then cutting the part to achieve the assembly accuracy requirements of the assembly method, the designated parts should be easy to process, and its size changes during assembly will not affect the other dimensional chain, designated parts repair method as shown in the figure.

(2) combined processing repair method is the assembly of two or more parts and then mechanical processing to achieve the requirements of assembly accuracy.