win win fixture

How Are The Automotive Gauges Assembled And How Many Ways Are There To Assemble Them?

Automotive Sunroof Rail Checking Fixture

carbon steel

Automotive inspection tool interchangeable assembly method

In the assembly of each matching parts without repair, selection or adjustment to achieve assembly accuracy method is called interchangeable assembly method, interchangeable assembly method is characterized by stable and reliable assembly quality, assembly work is simple, economic, high productivity, interchangeability of parts, easy to organize flow assembly and automated assembly, is a more ideal and advanced assembly method, therefore, as long as the processing of the parts in the technically economical and reasonable Therefore, as long as the processing of the parts is technically reasonable, it should be used as a priority.

Interchangeable assembly method is to ensure the assembly accuracy of the parts by controlling the manufacturing error of the parts, the principle is that the sum of the tolerances of the relevant parts is less than or equal to the allowable assembly error, according to the degree of interchangeability can be divided into complete interchangeable assembly method and partial interchangeable assembly method.

(1) complete interchangeable assembly method refers to the assembly of each part of the gauge without selection, repair and adjustment, directly assembled to achieve assembly accuracy, the method has a simple assembly work, stable quality, high efficiency, easy maintenance of the gauge, etc., when there are certain difficulties, such as high assembly accuracy requirements, the tolerance of each part required pin, and thus will be difficult to process parts.

(2) partial interchangeable assembly method is the assembly of each part of the manufacturing tolerances of the parts can not reach the requirements of the complete mutual assembly method, the method compared with the complete interchangeable method, with large tolerances of parts, manufacturing is relatively easy, relatively low cost characteristics, when due to partial interchangeable, and there is the possibility of assembly after the excess, so to carry out the relevant measurement, through mechanical adjustment, so that its accuracy is improved.

Automotive checking fixture group assembly method

In a batch or a large number of production, the parts of the mating pairs are grouped according to the size of the actual measurement, and the assembly is interchangeable according to the group to achieve the assembly accuracy method, called group assembly method. Such as a shaft hole with, if the clearance tolerance requirements with small, then the shaft and hole respectively to extremely tight tolerance manufacturing to ensure that the assembly clearance requirements, then the shaft and hole tolerances can be enlarged, the actual size of the measured shaft and hole before assembly and divided into a number of groups, and then assembled according to the group, that is, large size shaft with large size hole with, small size shaft with small size hole with, so that for each group of Thus, it can be seen that the group assembly method can reduce the requirements of the machining accuracy of the parts and ensure the assembly accuracy, which is convenient when there are few related parts, but it is tedious when there are more related parts due to the increased work of measuring the group. Therefore, the group assembly method is only suitable for mass production in which the assembly accuracy is very strict and the related parts affecting the assembly accuracy are small, such as the assembly of precision couples, piston pins and holes, etc