win win fixture

The Basic Requirements Of Automotive Inspection Tools

automobile checking fixture

Automotive inspection tools must meet the following basic requirements.

check fixture
check fixture

1, to ensure effective judgment of the quality of automotive parts and ensure the quality of automotive parts is qualified, the first is the correct choice of positioning benchmark, positioning method and positioning components according to the product drawings, if necessary, according to the accumulated experience of reasonable or not positioning analysis, so that it has a constant, accurate positioning benchmark to ensure maximum repeatability and in-line, and pay attention to the impact of other institutions on the detection function. Note that the detection should have sufficient rigidity, repeated use for many times should also pay attention to the strength and wear resistance of the relevant components to ensure the service life of the inspection tool.

2, inspection tools should meet the productivity requirements The complexity of special inspection tools should be adapted to the production plan, try to use a variety of fast and efficient fixture mechanism to ensure easy operation, shorten the auxiliary time and improve productivity

3, good process performance Special inspection tool structure to strive for simple, reasonable, easy to manufacture, assembly, adjustment, testing, maintenance, etc.. The manufacturing of special inspection tools belongs to single-piece production. When the final accuracy by the adjustment or repair guarantee, should be set up on the inspection tool easy to adjust and repair the structure

4, the use of good performance The operation of the special inspection tool should be simple (including the product pick and place and inspection, clamping device operation and handling), labor-saving, safe and reliable. Under the objective conditions allowed, and economically applicable premise, should be used as far as possible, pneumatic, hydraulic and other machinery for the labor intensity of personnel.

5, to appropriately improve the generality and standardization of the inspection tool components, select standardized components, especially commercial standard components, shorten the inspection tool manufacturing cycle, reduce the cost of inspection tools.