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Why Building A Strong Automotive Industry Should Start With Inspection Tools

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Why building a strong automotive industry should start with inspection tools

To realise the dream of China’s automotive manufacturing powerhouse, automotive inspection tools are indispensable testing equipment and tools for the assembly and production line of automotive parts and vehicles.

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Simply put, automotive inspection tool is a general term for special measuring tools used for automotive product inspection, through a variety of measurement means to detect, provide measurement data, used to determine the functional size of automotive parts, automotive components of the lap and match accuracy, equivalent to auto parts enterprises and vehicle manufacturers of third-party certification tools.

By controlling the accuracy of products through gauges, the matching and lap problems that may exist in the commissioning stage of product components can be eliminated and the structural and cosmetic performance of products can be improved. Almost all parts with complex shapes and high importance in product development now require the development of gauges, which is a manifestation of intelligent automotive manufacturing.

The rapid development of modern industry has pushed the efficiency of assembly line operations in automotive production to increase. Today, on average, a whole vehicle can be installed in eight minutes on a complete vehicle assembly line. There are thousands of parts in a car and if one or two of them are faulty, it is likely that the whole car assembly will fail. Therefore, to ensure that every part is fully up to standard at the start of the line, gauges are required. In addition, the introduction of gauges can help to achieve the mass production of standardised parts, greatly improving production efficiency, significantly reducing the cost of automotive production and truly reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

The automotive inspection tool industry is very promising

The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. With the increasingly fierce competition in the automotive industry, consumers have increasingly high requirements for automotive products, the quality of the appearance of the car and the matching of the internal structure has become the focus of attention of manufacturers. At the same time, in the face of increasingly fierce market competition, automotive manufacturers are aware of the need to reduce production costs, shorten the development cycle, improve product quality and increase product variety to meet market demand, which brings huge market potential for the automotive inspection tool industry.

In the context of upgrading vehicle replacement, the demand for intelligent manufacturing and cost reduction and efficiency improvement, automotive inspection tools have become an important support force for the automotive manufacturing industry, and there are statistics that by 2021, the market demand for China’s automotive inspection tools industry is expected to reach about 12.3 billion yuan.

In recent years, driven by the profits of the automobile market and encouraged by the “Automobile Industry Development Policy”, domestic independent automobile brands have developed rapidly and numerous domestic automobile independent brands have emerged. At the same time, domestic automotive enterprises have paid more attention to the cultivation and improvement of their technological development capabilities, and competition with foreign automotive brands has intensified, resulting in a significant shortening of the cycle of vehicle model renewal and technological improvement and innovation in the market.

Creating a strong automotive industry should start with inspection tools

It is noteworthy that in such a key market role, China’s automotive inspection tools but a late start.

China’s inspection tools industry started in about 2000, a low starting point, a late start, in charge of the industry level, has not yet formed a unified industry regulatory system and industry standards. In addition, as the inspection tool industry is still a new industry, its technical level, management level, talent, experience and other aspects of the international advanced enterprises there is a certain gap.

“Automotive inspection tools play an important role in the entire production process of automobiles, we must pay attention to and accelerate the development and application of automotive inspection tools to fundamentally protect the construction of a strong automotive industry in China.” In the view of industry experts, the development of China’s automotive manufacturing industry is inseparable from the transformation and upgrading with intelligent manufacturing as the core, and how to grasp the application and development of automotive inspection tools is the key to the future of China’s automotive manufacturing industry to achieve automation, intelligence and integration of the production process.